Obession is you!


Illegal imprisonment

Persons & groups private that paid in to own - operate & control people's bodies 

Guests flown in & driven in   

Guests or those operating voluntary or involuntary contacted that are connected or just contacted through different channels 


Persons those operating at the labs responsible had become disgruntled over while spying on a subject & through seeing them through the subject body then their effort to hold the subject body to their opinion while having done so even if the subject body does not agree to manufactured or created conflict the operating handler & supervisor decided on behalf of the subject while spying on a person or group of & different person through their head wireless

The operating handler or handlers in neuro-tech became mad at a person through the body with or without the body then held a grudge which became a dangerous obsession perhaps of the lab building while the subject body used as a drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll did not hold a grudge or they initial disliked but moved on or they hold a lesser or similar & or more severe grudge

Grudge holders!

Not unite. No accept. No tolerate. Now the daily routine of wanting picture of the person that piss ed them off printed & the dart throw at picture & plotted scenarios of destroy or use a swarm to track online, offline, mobile & telephone channels of communication before a counter attack to poof

Negatively affect from subtle to more moderate & severe or extreme ways fu*king with their heads using those rhey met or did not using a ghost process so they don't know

To injure & state accident or elevated interest in the murder covered up as suicide or accident

Aww obsessive



Paid in to be able to wirelessly do this to people & groups in the modern slave - rape & child porn production beasteality ring? 

Luring people or children, teenagers & adults in for something else then the permanent or temporary hook up

The body is connected to a wireless permanent or detachable drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll device to be monitored & or monitored & controlled 

The unsuspecting person leaves not realizing & is left unmanned for the first year while the lab studies & mocks their every move with a 24 hour rotational team alongside volunteers & guests flown in & driven in operating with persons & groups connecting with different people through different offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication 

If the device is moved the person cannot retrace their steps so they are fu*ked


Dr Sydney Bennett. Legal rep Karen Fellici 


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