Replacing - Substitutes
How do we replace dirty energy & toxic social + physical enviroment for safe - clean sustainable?
Control demand & void interest in non-clean for total control with subsidy options to replace old for new & maintain
H.I.3 Case
MIND TIME ZONES ---------------------------------
People involved in H.I.3 or connected to multiple sides are in different countries & time zones so mind schedules & time zones please
Tekari & Nick Bennett live in Melbourne with two children ages 9 & 19 (2023) so to connect with Nick or review memories in Cypress including the wild teenage drug - alcohol skateboard - film making I, Dr Sydney Bennett joined while visiting from Sudbury or Montreal
Remember rib cage sizes 29" -39" plus one was a trans male & one a male
Nike (Nick) is a firmly straight - heterosexual male & Nicole (Syd) is a lesbian mainly essentially
9:38 a.m
Thursday, June 1, 2023
Time in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
11:38 p.m.
Thursday, June 1, 2023 (AEST)
Time in Melbourne VIC, Australia
Nick is either asleep in bed next to Tekari if they are not travelling while their son (age 9) is at home in his room & daughter in University (age 19)
Nick no longer uses marijuana & cocaine allegations plus sleeping pills for as a like 7-14 year old leading into age 21 when he cleaned up as a skateboarder - snowboarder film maker. Couldn't sleep. Too fu*king high
Christopher Amond (eh-moe) & Nick Bennett. Two straight boys stoned, skateboard + studies & work politely in funny antics mainly. Like the Loudes scene. Nick had a little more money so they made it happen North Bay area then Vancouver a little but he had Shelly & Jackie between Tekari then locked Tekari down in 2013 after Jackie cheated in Ottawa & Calgary
Exaggeration: they downed a beer & allegedly got ahold of a joint. A few times
Chris is like Jonah Hill's character & Nick Decaprio's character. Chris had Tom Penny skateboard style & Nick was a mix of people in skate style. Lindsey Chris lady & Nick's ladies used to think Nick was a bad influence
Chris went onto Burnaby Government British Columbia lawn care or whatever & Nick did a Bachelor Business finance degree to work with CIG & Yoshimoto family as an executive
Nick is Jordans brother. PWC Canada, partner with wife & three kids of his own born after 2012
Stoned is not a disability handicap. It is stoned on a drug substance. High as a kite
Nick today is a cross between The Wolf on Wallstreet & Boston George minus fraud & crimes. Chris hadn't changed much
Nick started driving & riding road motorcycle between 2002-20023 legally & holds a full licence
Nick, Jordan Bennett of PWC Canada, Partner according to the Canadiansame was supposed to have Autism or Aspergers Syndrome AS a mild form if Autism & an auto immune disorder like Chrons, Diverticulitis or Ulcerative Colitis plus potential overlap in DSM-5 mental cobditions like bi-polar yet Nick dud not have a mental cobdition as per evaluation in 1990's-2094-2005 & review again after 2011
No allergies, psychological - psychiatric cobditions or a health condition
Minor eyesight concerns. Nick had Lasik in 2013 while Dr Sydney Bennett opted for Lasik for the same in 2018
Arlena Bennett Strood & Victor Savage are thought to have had minor retardation's physically & mentally or just Victor while Sharon babied Arlana to much growing up
Dr Sydney Bennett has an atheletic fused neck & spine. Syd & Nick reviewed each other's memories due to the three clusters of Ontario labs & Cypress International Biotechnology neuro-tech review based on research then separately false accusations
Syd & Nick used to swap places growing up or use look-a-likes yet they completed their own education & developed their own portfolios
BASIC BUSINESS 101 -----------------------------------
Overheard expenses
All expenses - costs & fees
Earned mometary income the business makes from charging 40-60% above all products & services after fees to bring them in to put on offer
Remaining money for the business to grow & emergency fund above overhead for expenses relating to the unforseen
Initial investment money for overhead & upgrades on anything or replacement for items or growth to expand
Your getting killed for operating human beings as robots. Not because of any other reason. Wireless robot killings
The persons that tried to or successfully fractured Dr Sydney Bennett's neck
Everyone that operated at the one Ontario lab between 2012-2023 or prior to 2012 dating back between 1980's-2011
BLOOD & GUTS --------------------------------------------
Tied up to a chair & interrogated
A blow torch to cauterize
Genitalia cut out of their bodies regardless of gender
Eyes cut out of their bodies regardless of gender
Necks fractured to death
Brain & internal organs cut out of the body & sledge hammer smashing to bits
Limbs cut up with a hack saw & everything burned in a ritual not before the body is hooked up to a detachable 3D print neuro-tech device
This is not a representation of different persons & groups that had existed or that does exist on planet earth. H.O.R.B The House of Rothschild - Bennett & connected international families plus a global petition & clients of CIG + other investments
Spoke near, into or through the wirelessly our bodies & heads while spying on & through our bodies
You did so while trying to partially to fully control our bodies
You traded your lives to try to operate & control our bodies
H.O.R.B The House of Rothschild - Bennett does not represent any one person outside the family
CIG represents The Commonwealth Group International
We did not represent one person & or group that had existed or that does on earth despite the three clusters of Ontario labs expecting we had as another effort to discredit us while attacking us wirelessly
We represent ourselves as single individual people then as H.O.R.B & CIG then the Bevarian Sect
The three clusters (groups) of Ontario labs thought it was humerus if they claimed we become people we meet as easily impressionable people that do not know what to do or what we are doing emulating - copying other people mocking & becoming them acting like as another way to discredit our way separately to justify the wireless
Targets Ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+ that operated at or & with the three Ontario labs are getting killed if we cannot press charges & sue tem for damages then have them incarcerated for 10-25 plus years in solitary
China - Mega City
Why Russia is Building an Arctic Silk Road
The Geography of the Ice Age
Why the US is always hitting a "debt ceiling"
Dr Sydney Bennett. Legal rep Karen Fellici
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