WW3 Memory - extraction
Memory - extraction
Privatized advanced specialized health
TRUTH INTERROGATORS -----------------------------
Traditional & advanced non-neurological-technology used to gain actual information in a life cycle of experience plus those connected zoning in on daily experiences then what the person is like & was like through ages 0-6, 7-11, 12-17, 18-25 + including social environmental concerns in growth plus conscious choice, influence from different medial professional global + other perspectives in review
Safe regular then fear based trauma to force the person to crack if intel is accurate on a lead
Capabilities of three clusters of Ontario labs + others US - Canada & international
Extracted memory
Detachable temporary devices that can be used to monitor the body unmanned or partially to fully mannned
Permanent devices leaving the body unmanned or partially to fully manned
Extracted memory pulled from the condo consciousness through brain to review digitally in accuracy with experts & software metrics to filter through thought, imagination & memory or influenced of the sort of mental states
The memory is pulled from the conscious mind then digitally reviewed with the brain - body detached
If the body is left attached or if it is a permanent mind packet then the body & mental state can be controlled
The body can be detached
The body has to be unmanned: device moved & stored in a room with security untouched then any injuries or & losses addressed
Cypress International Biotechnology
Similar yet more advanced capabilities with clients
3D print detachable equipment + intermediary devices to hook up any living being
3D halograph room extraction of memories in a modern "moving picture show" so you can zone in on different experiences birth - extraction date or present time so persons reviewing can stand in the room memory is projected so it feels like your there experiencing it as a spectator with those in the memories
Ability to sped up or slow down memories & place into a raw or professional edit for 3D halograph or traditional flat 3D video of experiences physical then separate mental thought, imagination & memory plus any lab third party tampering to control or review intervention detected
REVIEW & UNDERSTANDING -----------------------
We review motivation, influences & triggers plus as to why or what & how or when plus all details on each daily experience using human plus A.I now & software metrics
Connecting the body
DRIVE BY + EFFORTS -----------------------------------
Through ceiling, walls, floors, drive by & through vehicle on or into building
A wireless connection can be beamed to the head - brain of the person or biological being ton connect using a water - biological being variable then the connected
If you understand advanced wireless technology then neurological sciences you can understand a physics - engineering approach to connecting a body, neuro-receptors plus the gigahertz used with the frequency-acoustic-electro-magnetic pulse full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology
Vast capabilities & purpose
CYPRESS INTERNATIONAL BIOTECHNOLOGY ----------------------------------------
The program has over 10 million persons involved & over 10 million candidates internationally operating separate from other labs
We are manufacturing 9 billion in total empty 3D printed packets for year end 2023 for different international clients operating with as a private international defence based on H.I.3
This is a global defence measure to void global take over of different areas of Government, organizations, Corporations - companies, persons
Dr Sydney Bennett. Legal rep Karen Fellici
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